Hi! My name is Allison and I’m a Vancouver based destination photographer, but most people know me as Allie.

I grew up in a small city on an island off the West Coast of British Columbia and while it'd probably be safe to call me a city girl, the influence of the Pacific Northwest can be found throughout much of my work. To say I've had a love for photography for most of my life doesn't quite convey as much as it should. I love photographing people - and I always have. The human element is what makes photography special and the person in front of my camera is what inspires me. What started as documenting random aspects of my young life with a disposable camera quickly grew into what I realized was my way of trying to keep pieces of my loved ones frozen in time.

Today, whether it be a campaign or a wedding, my main influence is the person in front of me and all the ways they are uniquely beautiful and interesting.

The troublemakers themselves, Poe and Fitz. Forever antagonizing each other. ❤

Allison Taylor has been featured in Period
Allison Taylor has been featured in m Magazine
Allison Taylor has been featured in Obscure Magazine
Allison Taylor has been featured in kay god Magazine
Allison Taylor has been featured in beauNU Magazine
Allison Taylor has been featured in beautymute Magazine
Allison Taylor portrait photographer Vancouver

Allison Taylor is an award winning, published photographer and creative director. With over 10 years experience in her field and additional achievements in various branches of the beauty industry, Allison has a unique eye for the details as well as the uncanny ability to direct, compose, and style subjects of all skill levels. A childhood fascination with 'capturing a moment in time' grew into the passion she has today for creating images with authenticity, that tell a captivating story, and maybe even hold a touch of the magic that first drew her to the medium.